Interested in our Schools?
Quick 6 Step Process for enrollment
1. Inquiry Package
Included in the inquiry package is our tuition fee schedule, daily schedule, school calendar, space sharing information, and a letter thanking you for your inquiry!
We have a rolling admissions process throughout our school year. Admission is based on your child's age.
You are welcome to send an email to or call us at 703-945-0408 to express your interest.
2. school tour
Schedule a tour or a phone consultation with us by using the button below or by emailing expressing your interest.
Prospective Virtual Parent Tours are hosted several times each month. In person tours are hosted at our Alexandria campus twice each month and at our DC campus by request only.
Please note we do not allow drop in visits.
3. Parent & Child Interview
Before your child is accepted, we want to make sure that Northeast Stars is the best fit for not only your child but for the family as a whole. Both parents must complete an interview with the Director and/or a member of our office management team prior to admission. This interview may take place at the end of a tour or a Zoom call depending on your situation.
4. Invited to Apply
The registrar will invite families to apply once it is determined that your family is a good fit with NES. Applications & fees can be completed on our website by clicking the button below and entering a password. The emailed invitation will contain the password to access the application forms.
Your application will be acknowledged and if there is an opening for your child, we will continue with the enrollment process! We balance our classrooms by age and gender. If the program is full, you will be placed on the waitlist. Don’t be discouraged if your child is put on the wait list because our wait list is constantly changing.
If you are paying your application fee online please note: Payments made via Stripe should be done using one of the following supported browsers: Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari. Other mobile browsers may not be supported by Stripe.
5. Submit registration forms and deposit
Once your child is accepted, you will receive a registration packet containing the required registration forms. Please submit these forms and the school deposit to secure the spot for your child.
You will also receive a welcome packet that contains our parent handbook, as well as general information about our daily schedule, etc.
You are welcome to schedule a director/teacher meeting at any time prior to your child’s first day at NES.